Writer, Speaker + Spiritual Director
Courage, Compassion, Humor.
Diane Cameron is a provocative and compelling writer, speaker, book coach and consultant. She writes about her life with courage, compassion and humor–challenging readers to think about culture, community–and themselves–from new perspectives.
spiritual direction
Deepen your spiritual life. Learn new spiritual practices. Get help with discernment in making an important decision. Spiritual Direction–also called spiritual coaching–is for individuals from all walks of life and all faith backgrounds.
Focus on spirituality that bends toward creativity and practices to release resentments and regrets.
writing coaching
Start, stick, and finish your book or other writing project. Receive structure, resources and accountability. Together we will ensure that you do the work on a regular basis, get your words on paper, refine them and produce an engaging story.
You will make progress, complete your book or project and gain confidence.